Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. - Ansel Adams

I am hoping for two.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Views in the Gibsons' Yard

This is an evergreen bush at the side of the house.

This is a holly leaf and it is just as dangerous as it appears. Very prickly.

We bought this tree in October 2005. Giz's co-workers gave him a gift certificate to a nursery when his mother died. He has always wanted a Japanese Maple .

This is similar to an old post except I used Kris' 35 mm and cropped it. I like how the colors contrast better. I ordered my 35 mm on Monday.


  1. What's up with the last photo...nothing seems to be in focus.

  2. You know, I was so happy about the colors and the contrast that I didn't bother to check out the focus :(
