Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. - Ansel Adams

I am hoping for two.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trees & Shadows

Weeping Willow

The sun is intentional in this shot of the Pennsylvania Mountain Ash

Mt. Ash treetop

Shadow of Mt. Ash


  1. #2 would have been a bit more powerful if the you had stopped the aperture down a lot. Made it look like a bright star. IMHO

    #3 Nice use of the rule of thirds....(reading left to right Western version. Flip it for an Asian flare).

    #4 would have been better IMHO if you had cut out the top third. Just have shadow light and grass, not the extra trees. I feel like they add clutter to the composition.

    #5 Same as #4. Hate the composition has all the clutter in the middle. Go to KoP and the National park there. Find a tree that can cast this type of shadow but doesn't have the clutter so near it. Yes it would be a hike to find one. Yes you'd have to leave the house....but sometimes you have to get muddy.

  2. I appreciate the critique, James. Your comments will only make me a better photographer. Also, I took another #3 in the Asian way, but I didn't know if there was enough to hold the eye's attention as the branch was only half the size of this one.

  3. No. take #3 and flip it using photoshop. Then it would read left to right. Same pictire same branch just flipped like a mirror.
