Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. - Ansel Adams

I am hoping for two.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fun Times in the Stombaughs' Pool Room

Brian and Missy brought their Trivial Pursuit for Wii and and we headed to the Pool Room to start the competition. My team won by a narrow margin.

Here you can see what other fun that can be had in the pool room - on the right is the jukebox that every descendant of my parents has enjoyed. The pool table, sight of many a heated contest, is on the left. Julia's tricycle is right in front of her slide. Her slide was a gift from Kristen. Jen sold her slide to Kristen about 24 years ago and now it belongs to her daughter. I love it when things come full circle.

Kristen is pointing out # 231 on the jukebox, Lollipop, a perennial favorite of the great grandchildren.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. I especially love that last photo. Of course, I could just tell you that since you're sitting right next to me.
